Saturday, November 05, 2005

Introducing the ebTDesign Forum: Expanding the Opportunities for Small Business Success

The Semantic Viewpoint RSS Forum has moved to its new home at the ebTDesign Forum which will build on next generation productivity discussion. The ebTDesign Forum will have a new expanded charter and new ways to help small businesses compete in the global marketplace. New topics like the following will be discussed regularly:

• Why is relevance management so important to small business competitiveness?
• How will the P2P Economy impact the nature of business services delivery?
• What is the difference between the IT Investment mindset and Enterprise Software Management mindset?
• How can F.I.R.M. Leadership be used to create competitive advantage and productivity lead growth?

Readers of the Semantic Viewpoint RSS Forum are encouraged to continue to follow the discussion on the ebTDesign Forum web site.