Friday, October 14, 2005

OASIS Announces Semantic Execution Environment (SEE) TC: The Web Services Community Can’t Wait

OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) recently sent a “Call for Participation” email for the Semantic Execution Environment Technical Committee (TC). The email went out before there was a true web site or the requisite press release that accompanies all new technical committees. The only thing that was available was a place to signup and that was all that was necessary to start the ball rolling.

Word of mouth about the new semantic web services standard quickly took over. OASIS members began forwarding the “Call for Participation” email around the Internet to the groups that have been working for years to develop and implement international web services standards. The email has been received in these groups with the kind of hopeful anticipation generally reserved for birthday gifts. Meetings have been hastily planned to discuss new strategies for solving the world’s business problems using this new standard.

For those readers that haven’t seen the “Call for Participation” email, here is a short excerpt:

The OASIS SEE TC aims to continue work initiated by the WSMX project and working group and several other projects in Europe such as DIP, ASG and other projects in the area of Semantic Web Services … The aim of the SEE TC is to provide guidelines, justifications and implementation direction for an execution environment for Semantic Web Services.

Hopefully, this international web services standard will produce results. The leaders of the web services communities and the large enterprise software vendors have been promising a revolution since the latter part of 2000. It seems that the web services community can’t wait.