Saturday, September 24, 2005

Need to Turn the Engine of Innovation: Unleash the Power of the New Media SIG

Now that the impact of the BRAC recommendations has fallen off the front pages of even the local papers, we must start to investigate the future direction of the Northern Virginia economy.

Government employees often talk about how slowly the “boat” turns when talking about large federal programs. This same analogy can be used for a regional economy that is supported by large government programs. Earlier in the year, there was a lot of talk about the potential for “new media programs.” Now is the time for leaders in Northern Virginia to start a New Media Special Interest Group (SIG) to investigate the opportunities for this region to develop a New Media industry.

New Media is the term used to talk about the changes that on-demand consumers are having on the “media landscape.” The new media business model is more of an attitude than a single technology or business strategy. In this new business environment, customers want to be treated as peers. They don’t want to be owned. They are very skeptical of any claim, inherently self-reliant, and radically independent.

The New Media SIG will identify the current resources available to support small companies that want to develop New Media programs. The New Media SIG will facilitate cooperation between local companies, higher education and local government. This cooperation will lead to training for the business support people and the development of support organizations where needed. The activity of New Media Programs will capitalize on the region’s traditional and mobile Internet dominance. Let’s hear it for the future of New Media programs in Northern Virginia.

Full steam ahead!