Monday, October 24, 2005

Three Broad Strategies

How to provide services to constituents is one of the most fundamental design decisions that executives must make. This most basic of all design decisions has enormous implications on the running of the business and the establishment of trust. Getting the service delivery wrong can undermine all of the team building efforts that a company may have underway. IT Investment Vehicles are capital planning and investment control tools. These tools can be used most effectively to plan for the future and communicate those plans to the company at large.

The three broad strategies are as follows:

Data-Centric IT Investment strategies are focused on maintaining the integrity and control of data. The most important goal is the accumulation of all the data under the control of one group. This is the most traditional and the most conservative IT Investment strategies.

Net-Centric IT Investment strategies are focused on supplying users with desired services upon request. The most basic tenet is that services must be distributed and raw data must flow as quickly as possible so that the users can process it at their own convenience. This is the most cost effective IT Investment strategies for service providers.

Peer-Centric IT Investment strategies are focused on the relationship and trust that users have with each other. The most basic philosophy of the Peer-Centric IT Investment strategy is that users will do what is in their own best interest at the time. These environments are built on decentralized P2P (Peer-to-Peer) Federations. Participants are free to seek value wherever they choose based on their particular needs at the moment.